The Board desires to keep District schools and students free from threats or harmful influence of any groups or gangs, which The national motto of the United States, “In God We Trust,” shall be displayed in a school entryway, cafeteria, or other common area where students are most likely to see the national motto in each attendance center in the school district. The display may take the form of a mounted plaque, student artwork, or any other appropriate form as determined by the school principal. The display shall be easily readable and at least twelve inches wide by twelve inches high.
Note: SDCL 13-24-24. For any lawsuit brought or any complaint filed against a school district, an employee of a school district, the board of a school district, or a member thereof as a result of a school district displaying the national motto of the United States, the attorney general shall provide legal representation at no cost to the school district, employee, school board, or member of the school board. In addition to the expenses of representation, the state shall assume financial responsibility for any other related expense incurred by the school district, an employee, the board, or member thereof, including any award for monetary damages, attorney’s fees, and costs for which the school district, an employee, the board, or a member thereof would be otherwise responsible.