The School District facilities are for providing a public education to enrolled students. As the facilities are constructed with local taxpayer funds, the Board of Education encourages the use of school facilities for activities of an educational, cultural, civic, social, recreational and governmental nature which are sponsored by individuals residing in or entities located within the School District. The Board of Education authorizes the use of school facilities by non-school district residents, organizations, agencies, institutions and individuals, as set forth in this policy, and Regulation KG-R: Facility Use – Regulations, Exhibit KG-E(1): Request for Facility Use and Exhibit KG-E(2): Facility Use Agreement.
The right to use the property for any lawful purpose is a privilege granted by the District. No person or entity, other than the School District, has any vested right to use school property.
The District shall not grant any use of a school facility if the use would, in the opinion of the school administration, restrict or limit the educational program (including school activities), infringe on or interfere with the conduct, operation or best interests of the school system.
Scheduled and rescheduled school activities for which the facility will be used shall take priority over any other non-school related activity.
It is recommended that a person wishing to use a school facility contact the building principal regarding availability prior to submitting the Request for Facility Use Form.
The permitted use of school facilities by any person or organization does not imply endorsement by the School District of the activity.
No user authorized to use a school facility shall permit or allow the use of alcohol, tobacco products or illegal drugs in school facilities or on school grounds.Violation of these restrictions shall result in the permission to use school facilities being revoked.
Authorized users must provide supervision as set forth in Regulation KG-R.
User fees may be assessed to cover utilities, maintenance, and custodial and administrative costs.
A certificate of insurance verifying that the applicant has general liability insurance for the activity must be submitted with the written request for use. The requirement for a certificate of insurance may be waived by the Board. A waiver request must be submitted to the Board prior to a regularly scheduled board meeting and before the intended use.
The superintendent or his designee will be responsible for maintaining an accurate calendar of all uses of school facilities by school and community groups, and a weekly schedule will be sent to the administrative staff, activities directors, school secretaries, and building custodians.
The school board reserves the right to waive any or all fees. In order for the Board to consider fee waivers, requests for fee waivers must be submitted to the Board prior to a regularly scheduled board meeting and before the intended use.
Request for Facility Use: Any person or entity wishing to use the District facilities for a purpose which is not directly related to the operation, purpose and objective of the District must submit a written request, KG-E(1): Request for Facility Use Form, to the ___________________ at least five (5) calendar days prior to the date requested.
Facility Use Agreement: The District shall review the request for facility use and determine if the facility is available during the time requested. If it is available the_______________ will complete KG-E(2): Facility Use Agreement Form and insert the applicable fee if any. The ______________ and person requesting the use of the facility shall both sign the Facility Use Agreement.
Prohibited Uses of School Facilities:
Any activity in conflict with school activities.
Any activity that may violate the canons of good morals, manners or taste, be injurious to the buildings, grounds or equipment, or which are discriminatory in the legal sense.
Fund-raising campaigns except as permitted by School Board policy, by special action of the School Board, or those intended to be of a benefit or service to students of the school district.
Any activity which the School Board determines not to be advisable as a community service.
Any activity which is not deemed to be a community service as determined by the _______________ subject to appeal to the Superintendent and the School Board.
For additional rules and regulations pertaining to school facilities, refer to KG-R: Facility Use – Regulations, and SDCL 13-24-20 (below).
SDCL 13-24-20 provides:
Use of school facilities or buses for other community or commercial purposes–Compensation–Liability for damages. The school board may grant the use of school facilities, computers, motor vehicles, or land belonging to the school district for any purposes which it considers advisable as a community service for such compensation as it determines. The use may also include a contract with a vendor that sells soft drinks or other concessions on school property. The use may not interfere with school activities. Any person or persons or public body using such school facilities, computers, motor vehicles, or land is responsible to the school district for any and all damages that may be caused by reason of the use or occupancy. The school district is not liable for any damages which might arise as the result of such use or occupancy, including the use of school computers by students.