The Superintendent will act as the public records officer for handling routine record requests. Public records are available for viewing during the school’s normal business hours. The cost of copying public records will be ____ per page. No fee may be charged for the electronic transfer of any minutes of open meeting actions that were recorded in the last three years. A log will be maintained of all requests, and the disposition.
If a request is refused, it may be submitted in writing, and if refusal is maintained, a written confirmation will be submitted.
Certain records are exempt from public access including: student information and personnel information other than routine directory information, employee salaries and public employee contracts.
Denial may also be based on the cost of retrieval, and form requested. If staff time is required, the district may charge an hourly fee to compensate for this time.
It is the desire of the administration to fully comply with the letter and spirit of the district’s policy and South Dakota Law. While there may be disagreements over the availability of records, the district will make every attempt to settle disputes amicably and factually through the processes established by state and federal law.