The Board will annually review space needs for the educational program. Consideration will be given to closing schools when declining enrollment results in detrimental effects on the district’s educational program and/or results in adverse effects on the financial management of the district. The Board will keep the public informed of any consideration to close a school.
If the Board wishes to close a school, it may do so by resolution at a Board meeting on or before December 1.
The Board, also by resolution, may submit the question to a vote of the people. If persons other than the Board wish to have the question of closing a school submitted to a vote of the people they must file with the business manager, by January 15, a petition calling for an election. Such petition must be signed by at least 15 percent of the registered voters of the district at the last preceding general election.
The following criteria may be used to aid in making recommendations for the closing of schools:
Enrollment projections and classroom usage;
Future financial forecast;
Effect upon the educational program of the school and the district;
Effect upon the community;
Evaluation of present facilities, including:
Educational adequacy,
Operational costs,
Modernization potential,
Building capacity,
Alternate use of building.