The Board is responsible for the regular operation and orderly development of its physical plant. For this reason, the Board will concern itself with both short and long-range planning as it relates to the properties of the school district.
To this end, the Board will follow the policy of having before it at all times a long-term building program to serve as a guide for capital improvements. In developing a long-range program, the Board, will monitor:
The evaluation of existing facilities in terms of capacity and function;
The projection of life expectancy of facilities and maintenance costs;
Enrollment projections and community development patterns;
Site availability and acquisition;
Changing instructional requirements and services.
This program will be subject to systematic study, revision, and extension from time to time, and the respective construction projects will be acted upon individually when proposed for implementation.
The Board’s building program will be designed to provide adequate facilities to conduct full-time elementary and secondary education programs for all students residing in the district. The building program will be based upon specific Board policies that have been and will continue to be modified to conform to changes in the curriculum, availability of construction funds, and changes in enrollments.