The Board accepts the premise that a school building should reflect the philosophical convictions of the school district about education. The Board recognizes, however, that educational programs are neither unchanging nor simple to incorporate into a facility plan. Anticipation of program change makes the need for flexible use of buildings necessary.
School buildings will be functionally compatible with desired school experiences. The program, not the physical setting, will dictate the manner in which the building is used.
The Board recognizes that funds are limited, and that when planning facilities priorities must be established to make the best use of the school building dollar. The Board’s first objective will be to develop a plan that provides adequate space for each student’s educational development. Whenever possible, the cultural as well as educational needs of the community will be considered in planning facility expansion.
Architects retained by the Board will be expected to plan for simplicity of design; sound economics, including low long-range maintenance costs, efficiency in energy needs, low insurance rates; high educational use; and flexibility.